Transforming Young Minds Through Yoga!

Are you searching for a fun and engaging way to promote physical fitness, mindfulness, and emotional well-being among the children in your school or daycare?

Look no further than Yogi Froggies – a unique yoga program designed specifically for young minds!

Our Yogi Froggies yoga programs are tailored to suit the needs and interests of children, making them the perfect addition to any educational setting. With our experienced instructors and captivating curriculum, we bring the benefits of yoga directly to your students, fostering a positive and nurturing environment for their growth and development.

6 Reasons Why Choose Yogi Froggies

Physical Fitness: Our yoga programs incorporate age-appropriate poses and movements that help children develop strength, flexibility, and coordination. Through playful activities and games, we make fitness fun, encouraging children to embrace an active lifestyle from an early age.

Mindfulness and Focus: In today’s fast-paced world, teaching children the importance of mindfulness and focus is crucial. Yogi Froggies introduces simple breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that help children calm their minds, reduce stress, and improve concentration. These skills not only benefit their academic performance but also lay the foundation for a lifetime of emotional well-being.

Social and Emotional Development: Yogi Froggies fosters a sense of community and emotional intelligence among children. Our programs incorporate partner poses and group activities that promote teamwork, cooperation, and empathy. By encouraging positive interactions and self-expression, we help children develop strong social skills and build healthy relationships with their peers.

Creativity and Imagination: Yogi Froggies embraces the power of imagination! Through storytelling and themed yoga sessions, we transport children to magical worlds where they can explore their creativity and unleash their imaginations. This not only makes yoga sessions exciting and engaging but also nurtures their cognitive and emotional development.

Fun and Engaging: At Yogi Froggies, we believe that learning should be fun! Our programs are designed to captivate children’s attention and keep them actively involved throughout the sessions. With colorful props, music, and interactive games, we create an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm, ensuring that every child leaves with a smile on their face.

Yogi Froggies Parties & Events: Where Fun Meets Mindfulness! Yogi Froggies Parties & Events for kids and teenagers offer a unique and fun-filled experience that combines the joy of celebrating a special occasion with the benefits of yoga. They are designed to introduce kids to the world of yoga through age-appropriate activities. We cater to private events, such as family gatherings or special occasions. Our experienced instructors will work with you to create a customized yoga experience that suits your needs and preferences.

Book Yogi Froggies Classes & Events

Ages: 18 Months – 12 Years

School Program:
1 Group Class | 30 minutes | $80

Daycares! Contact Yogi Ori to book a demonstration class and see the results for yourself!
Kids Parties & Events:
20 Kids  
1 hour | $200
2 hours | $350 SAVE $50
Each Additional 1/2 hour | $80
Each Additional Child after 20: $10

To book your next event or party, Contact Yogi Ori today!

Download & Share Our Yogi Froggies Flyer

“Don’t miss out on the opportunity to introduce your students to the incredible world of Yogi Froggies!” – Yogi Ori

Download our Yogi Froggies Coloring Book - Your Kids will leap into a world of Imagination and Creativity!

“Together, let’s empower young minds and lay the foundation for a lifetime of health, happiness, and holistic well-being.” – Yogi Ori

Please fill the form below to request your Yoga Session.